Applied Aromatherapy
At WAYStation Wellness, I use essential oils in reflexology, Raindrop, hydrotherapy, and the Aromadome. I use essential oils administering the Aroma Freedom Technique in counseling. I use essential oils in my own home. My family loves them, and they work really well! In order to give you a better understanding about essential oils, I have provided below what I feel to be helpful. Enjoy!
At The WAYStation, I have chosen to use Young Living oils. They are, in my opinion, the most trustworthy oils on the market. Take a moment to watch the following brief video to see just one of the many reasons why I chose Young Living.
Essential Oil Education
Fatty oil is...
Found in seeds and nuts.
Produced by the plant to be food for the next generation of plants.
Not vital to the plant or used by the plant itself.
Greasy and not aromatic.
An Essential Oil is...
The volatile essential fluid in plants.
The life blood of the plant.
The defense system of the plant
A carrier of oxygenating molecules
The deliverer of nutrients
Found in leaves, flowers, fruit rind, stems, root, twigs, needles, bark and seeds of plants.
Aromatic and non-greasy
Called "essential" because without it, the plant will die.
Oils are made by the following methods:
Extraction with solvents
Low temperature steam distillation in stainless steel distillers is the preferred method: paying close attention to the length of time, amount of pressure, and the temperature appropriate for fully coaxing out all of the constituents in an oil.
Many pounds of plant materials are distilled to get an ounce of concentrated oil. This is, many times, why they are costly.
For example: 3000 pounds of rose petals = 1 pound of oil, and one drop of peppermint oil = 28 cups of Peppermint tea.
Therapeutic Grade Oils are:
Grown organically.
Distilled properly leaving chemical constituents intact and in natural balance.
100% pure with no additives or adulteration.
Independently tested for quality.
Meets or exceeds ISO and AFNOR standards.
Packaged and sealed correctly in dark glass (oils exposed to light enlarge).
Food, Flavor, and Fragrance Grade Oils are:
Generally not organically grown.
Extracted at maximum temperatures and pressures to minimize distillation time.
Manipulated to meet an industry standard of taste or fragrance.
Commonly adulterated and cut with other oderless additives.
Synthetic compounds (artificially created in a lab) may be added.
Various constituents in the oils may be removed or missing.
For therapeutic results, use therapeutic grade oil!
Four Basic Ways to Use Oils:
Aromatically: inhalation & diffusion (without water, as water exacerbates mold)
Topically (permeates cells quickly - best way is to anoint the feet)
Orally (carefully, as directed on label or in quick reference)
Through absorbent tissues (in capsules or suppositories)
Safety Considerations:
Use common sense and begin gradually, introducing one or two oils at a time.
Remember dosage matters and each drop of essential oil is highly concentrated. Use sparingly.
Use only of impeccable therapeutic quality.
Have a bottle of unscented carrier oil (fatty oil such at V-6 vegetable oil, coconut oil, etc.) on hand to use for diluting, for quick skin reaction (as you can add a drop of carrier oil to tame a hot oil, oil that gets into the eyes, etc.)
Treat essential oils like medicine - keep out of reach of children.
Keep essential oils out of eyes and never pour directly into ears.
Some oils (like citrus oil) are highly photo-sensitive. If applied to skin exposed to UV light, burns and discolorations can occur. Wait 24-48 hours before exposing the skin directly to the sun.
Avoid applying essential oils to mucous membranes (nose, eyes, etc.)
Skin test with a tiny bit of oil on a toothpick to a small area of skin 30 minutes before applying oil to a larger area.
Essential oils rich in menthol (such as peppermint) should not be used near the throat or neck of children under 30 months of age.
Never use caustic oil in bath water. To use a mild essential oil in the bath tub, first mix 1-10 drops maximum into bath salts or a gel for even dispersal.
Some essential oils are highly flammable when used near open flames, sparks, or electricity.
Pregnant women should always consult a health care professional. Oils to definitely avoid are: Fennel, Sage, and Hyssop.
People with epilepsy and those with high blood pressure should consult their health care professional. Avoid or use caution with oils that have high Ketone content such as Basil, Rosemary, Sage, Tansy, and Peppermint.
A person with allergies or asthma is advised to consult his/her health care professional. Do not begin deep breathing of aromatic oil without a sniff and check test for tolerance.
Essential oils high in phenols, Ketones, and Alcohols are noted for cleansing and detoxifying cells. Highly toxic individuals are advised to approach a detoxing process carefully and under the guidance of their health care professional.
(The foregoing information was taken from: Tossing, Gaia, Applied Aromatherapy, Holistic Essentials. 2011.)
Good Facts to Know:
Essential oil molecules are very light (<500 mass atomic units) which allows them to float their fragrance into the air and penetrate down to the cellular level when applied.
Inhaling an essential oil is the only way to affect the amygdala in the limbic brain through the olfactory bulb (in the nose), while also simultaneously affecting the physical body as the oil molecules are taken into the lungs and distributed by the circulatory system.
There is a mind-body-oil connection at the level of electrons that can have a psychosomatic effect, because all bodily processes involve electron behavior.
Quantum physics, which studies subatomic particles and smaller, has shown that human thought and feelings influence electron behavior.
(The foregoing facts were taken from: Stewart, Dr. David. The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple. Care Publications, 2013.)
Frequency is defined as a measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has an electrical frequency. Royal Raymond Rife, M.D., developed a "frequency generator" in the early 1920's. With this, he found that with certain frequencies, he could destroy a cancer cell or virus. He found that certain frequencies could prevent the development of disease, and others would destroy disease.
Byorn Nordenstrom, a radiologist of Stockholm, Sweden, and who wrote, "Biologically Closed Circuits," discovered in the early 1980's that by putting an electrode inside a tumor and running a milliamp D.C. current through the electrode, he could dissolve the cancer tumor and stop its growth. He found that the human body had electropositive and electronegative energy fields.
Clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live. I believe that the chemistry and frequencies of essential oils have the ability to help man maintain the optimal frequency to the extent that disease cannot exist.
Frequencies of the Human body:
(Measured by the Tainio Frequency Monitor, Cheney, Washington)
72-78 MHz is a normal brain wave frequency
120 MHz, frequency of good vision
From the neck down, 62-68 MHz is the frequency for a healthy, normal functioning body.
Minus 4 MHz and a headache will start.
At 58 MHz, disease begins, as in cold symptoms
At 57 MHz, Influenza invades the body
At 55MHz, more series disease such as pneumonia and Epstein Barr invade the body
At 48MHz is when tissue breaks down due to disease
At 42 MHz is when cancer sets in
At 20MHz death occurs
Distilled water with 2 drops of Peppermint = 78 MHz
Distilled water with 2 drops of lemon = 76 MHz
Research Study:
A 26 year old male and a 24 year old male were measured at 66 MHz each. The first man held a cup of coffee (without drinking it) and his frequency dropped to 58 MHz in 3 seconds. He put the coffee down and inhaled an aroma of essential oils. Within 21 seconds, his frequency had returned to 66 MHz. The second man took a sip of coffee and his frequency dropped to 52 MHz in the same 3 seconds. However, no essential oils were used during the recovery time. It took 3 days for his frequency to return to its initial 66 MHz.
Another young man with a frequency of 65 MHz put a cigarette to his hand, and his frequency dropped to 56 MHz. When he put it between his lips without lighting it, his frequency dropped to 48 MHz (tissue breaks down at 48 MHz).
Research showed that the frequency of food and water increased with prayer.
MHz of Essential Oils (sample)
Rose oil - 320 MHz
Frankincense - 147 MHz
Myrrh - 105 MHz
Helichrysum - 181 MHz
Lavender - 118 MHz
German Chamomile (Blue) - 105 MHz
(Foregoing information taken from: Young, Gary, "Frequency and Distillation: Human Electrical Frequencies and Fields")
"On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations" (Revelation 22:2b).