Facts About X'tract
X'Tract is a proprietary cleansing modality for the lymphatic system. The ultimate goal of this process is directing fluid from the lymphatic system into the urinary system for elimination. This is a movement-only process for elimination from the bladder.
What Should I Expect After An X'tract Session?
After your first session with X'Tract, there may be some releasing after effects that take place, such as:
feeling blah
In some cases, depression might occur. This is temporary as your body is ridding toxins. On the other hand, you may also feel:
inch loss
I advise you to listen to your body and allow it to handle the ridding of toxins however it does - positive or negative. Just remember that famous line in the Bible, "And it came to pass..." Whatever happens, this is your body's own way of healing itself. When the body experiences a rapid cleansing elimination, the toxins are releasing right into the blood stream, which can produce a variety of reactions. all are good signs, as they mean that the process is already working, even if it is following your first session.
What Should I Do If I Experience Negative Effects?
Don't panic! Try the following:
drink more water
take non-acid vitamin C, probiotics, enzymes, and omega fatty acids
patiently wait, and go with the process
call for more assistance
I want your experience with X'Tract to be a positive ad educational one. I look forward to helping you achieve your optimal health goals.
What Should I Do Following an X'tract Session?
1. Breathe deeply. The lymph system has three times more fluid than blood in the body, yet no heart-type organ to pump it around. One of the main ways it moves is through breathing deeply. Breathe in that sweet healing oxygen.
2. Get moving! Exercise also ensures the lymph system flows properly. The best kind of exercise for lymph health is rebounding on a mini-trampoline, which can dramatically improve lymph flow. Stretching and aerobic exercise also works well.
3. Drink plenty of water. Without adequate water, lymph fluid cannot flow properly. To help ensure the water is readily absorbed by your cells, add some fresh lemon juice or Cellfood oxygen+nutrient drops to pure water.
4. Forget the soda. Trash color-laden sports drinks and sugary fruit "juices" that are more sugar than fruit. These sugar-, color-, and preservative-laden beverages add to the adlready overloaded work your lymph system must handle.
5. Eat more fruit on an empty stomach. The enzymes and acids in fruit are powerful lymph cleansers. Eat them on an empty stomach for best digestion and maximum lymph-cleansing benefits. Most fruits and digested within 30 minutes or so and are quick to start helping you feel better.
6. Eat plenty of green vegetables. Chlorophyll helps to purify your blood and lymph.
7. Eat raw, unsalted nuts and seeds. Power up your lymph with adequate fatty acids from sources like walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
8. Drink pure, unsweetened cranberry juice. Cranberries and cranberry juice emulsify stubborn fat in the lymphatic system. Dilute juice about 4:1 water to cranberry juice. Alternatively, if you prefer a sweeter juice, dilute one part cranberry juice with two parts unsweetened apple juice and two parts water.
9. Add a few lymph-boosting herbal teas to your day, such as astragalus, Echinacea, goldenseal, pokeroot, or wild indigo root. Consult an herbalist or natural medicine specialist before combining two or more herbs or if you're taking any medications or suffer from any serious health conditions. Avoid using herbs while pregnant or lactating and avoid long-term use of any herb without first consulting a qualified professional.
10. Dry skin brush before you shower. Use a natural bristle brush. Brush your skin in circular motions upward from the feet to the torso and from the fingers to the chest. You want to work in the same direction as your lymph flows - toward the heart.
11. Alternate hot and cold water in the shower for several minutes. The heat dilates the blood vessels and the cold causes them to contract.
What Young Living Oils are Used in X'tract?
Stress Away for relaxation during your session
Valor for alignment and grounding
Grapefruit, Cypress, and Orange to stimulate circulation and increased blood flow
Digize to align the digestive system so it functions optimally