Spirituality and Acupuncture
"The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight" (Proverbs 4:7 ESV).
My explanation is best illustrated in a story. But if I know some people reading this, you're saying, "I don't have time for a story. Just cut to the chase." So, if that's you, click here.
If I've ever seen wisdom, I've seen it in the creation of the human body. God's wisdom is manifested in the most amazing ways in the human body. For my field of work, I've taken Anatomy & Physiology three times now. Every time I've taken it, with every new course involving a body system, and with every new piece of research I study; I'm speechless at the wisdom and glory of God in the human body.
My husband, and daughter have a rare, genetic, incurable, neuro-degenerative, auto-immune eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa. One in four-thousand people manifest this disease. Some have asked about this and other diseases: "Why would God allow such a thing?" Well, we live in a fallen world, so we know He didn't cause it. Genetic mutations have most likely been occurring since the fall of mankind. One thing I do know is that God is resourceful and will not allow anything to go to waste. He uses good things, and bad things, to give us opportunities to become better instead of bitter. We have had numerous opportunities to choose the latter, but we continue to choose the former and wait for God's timing on a divine miracle or a new discovery. Why do we believe in divine miracles? It is because I wouldn't be here without them. That's another story, which you can read about in my book series, The Kingdom Coach. In the mean time, God has been using David's RP to lead us on an adventure.
"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" (Romans 10:17).
Joel 2 and Acts 2 tell us that God poured out His Spirit on ALL flesh so that people could dream, see visions, and get words of knowledge that they, in turn, could prophesy, causing the way things are in Heaven to unfold on the earth. 1 Peter 2:11 and 2 Corinthians 4:4 tells us we are foreigners living on a hostile planet ruled by the god of this world. Psalm 2:8, Matthew 18:19, John 14:14, James 4:3 and other verses basically tell us that nothing changes except through prayer. We are God's deputies in the earth as Jesus, who was given all authority after His resurrection, delegated it to us in the great commission (Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:17). And, we need to be effective in prayer and in following God's path for our lives. "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (James 5:16 NIV). My personal opinion, from experience, is you need a relationship with God by trusting in His Son's sacrifice and being indwelt by the Holy Spirit so you can hear Him, see Him, interact with Him. Otherwise how do you see what Your Father is doing and hear what Your Father is saying, like Jesus (John 5:19, 12:49). Yes we are in a war for this planet, but it is the best adventure when we know and trust Jesus, get free from fear through enjoying the assurance of the Father's love, and follow them through the inner witness of the Holy Spirit.
One day in January, 2015, my husband David came to me and the two of us had a conversation. My husband is what I call a straight-line guy. He's like the Apostle Paul who said, "I seek only to know Christ and Him crucified." He doesn't venture out into other world views, or practices outside his spiritual comfort zone very often at all. This, I believe, is partially because he is focused on his destiny, which includes his physical healing. Part of it comes from having been under great spiritual attack in the past, and not wanting to venture off into unnecessary arenas where the enemy hangs out. So, one day we had a conversation. Here is how it went...
David began, "The Holy Spirit told me to google Retinitis Pigmentosa."
"That's cool. Why would He tell you that? Did you do it?"
"I did."
"Well, what did He show you? What did you find?"
"It's interesting. I found a website with a bunch of testimonies about people who are receiving a treatment that is reversing their RP, at least temporarily."
"Really!? What is this website? I mean, obviously, it is something the Lord wanted you to see, right?"
"I think so."
"What is your hesitation?"
"It is the website of an acupuncturist in Canada."
"What?? Wow. That's stretchy!!"
I sat down before the computer and googled RP for myself to see if there were other responses to the search engine that offered something positive. There was nothing at the time. So I said, "Let's hear some of the testimonies." He clicked on several of the testimonies: people who had various degrees of Retinitis Pigmentosa, which typically affects night vision first, then peripheral vision, then central vision, leading to blindness. After receiving treatment, those giving testimony were all saying they could see at night, and after testing, they had a wider field of vision. Some improved in their central vision. Some even said this expansion of vision lasted for over a year before they needed treatment again. The conversation continued...
I said, "What do you think God wants you to do with this information?"
"I think He wants me to check this out, at least I guess."
"What is your hesitation?"
"What if this doctor is a Buddhist? He's Chinese. He does acupuncture. Would God send me to someone who is not a Christian?"
"Let's call and interview him."
"What? Just call the man and ask him if he's a Buddhist?"
"I think we can come up with something better than that."
So we called and spoke to the doctor, inquired about the treatment, the logistics of visiting for treatment, and eventually wove our way around to telling him we were Christians and wondered what his spiritual journey was like, and if it had any influence in his treatment and practice. He told us the most amazing story. He once held traditional beliefs of one raised in a Chinese home. He was very well educated and ran a typical acupuncture practice, treating most any ailment. One of his patients, a Christian, told him about her spiritual walk on numerous occasions. In so doing, she happened to mention that when she wanted to hear from God, she would pray and simply open her Bible, and God would, many times, speak to her straight from the Word, and it would fit her inquiry.
Well, he had another patient who came to him for weight loss, but he also noticed on her intake form that she had poor night vision, and Retinitis Pigmentosa. He said to her, "Your vision is more important than your weight. The Chinese have treated poor night vision for hundreds of years. Would you mind if I used this protocol in with your treatment for weight loss? She said, "Sure. Why not?" So he used the protocol he learned for poor night vision and she was able to see better after one and a half months of treatment. He then treated her sister, who also had RP, and she began to see better as well. Suddenly, he noticed that RP patients were coming to him "out of the blue", and not for RP, but other things such as weight loss, pain, etc. The part of his testimony that is not on his website went like this:
He said the random surge of patients coming from around the world to see him for acupuncture, and all of them having RP, scared him. He knew something strange was happening to draw all of these people to his office in Vancouver. These people didn't know one another. He wasn't posting testimonials at the time. He took time off, basically "running away", and held up in a hotel room feeling anxious about what was possibly happening. He felt the weight of responsibility for these people and how they were being drawn to him. Suddenly, he then remembered what his former Christian patient told him. He looked in the drawer in the hotel room and pulled out a Gideon Bible. He said, "God, if you are who this women spoke about, and you are behind what is happening to me, please speak to me now." He opened the Bible and looked and saw Isaiah 43. He started reading, and certain parts of this passage overwhelmed him. He read verses 8-12 which say,
"Bring out the people who are blind, yet have eyes, who are deaf, yet have ears! [Retinitis Pigmentosa affects eyes and many times, also hearing in the form of Usher's Disease]. 9 All the nations gather together, and the peoples assemble. Who among them can declare this, and show us the former things? Let them bring their witnesses to prove them right, and let them hear and say, It is true. 10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. 11 I, I am the LORD, and besides me there is no savior. 12 I declared and saved and proclaimed, when there was no strange god among you; and you are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and I am God."
After this experience, this doctor found his way to Jesus. And as we would discover, once God miraculously provided over $36,000 for our travel, lodging, and David's treatment; it was evident this man knew the Lord and was led by the Holy Spirit. God provided in so many ways during our visits to Vancouver - too much to write here. I learned so much watching him work, peppering him with questions, and seeing God move in so many unmistakable ways. Long story short, from this experience, I came home with an answer to my heart's desire for a practice helping individuals with their health in a whole-health fashion: affecting mind, body, and spirit. First, the Lord led me to a reflexology program. Then, He led me to the Acudetox program. Afterwards, I was accepted to a certification course for Acupuncture to treat Retinitis Pigmentosa here in the states. Here is where I learned to continue David's treatments at home. Then, the Lord led me to a clinical massage therapy program. Just when I questioned why He would lead a 56 year old woman to start massage therapy, I learned the Accrediting Board for Massage Therapy had just approved for massage therapists to certify in a Psychotherapy for treating trauma, which was something He had also led me to pursue a few years earlier, and which now, opened new doors for me. I can say for a fact that He is truly working all things together for our good.
Throughout this adventure with the Holy Spirit, I [and I'll say we as well] had to overcome our beliefs about Chinese Medicine, acupuncture as it relates to being an open door to the enemy, and a host of other things which I discovered were born out of fear and ignorance. [Also see more about this here). There are so many stories I could tell you, and they will be in the third book in The Kingdom Coach series. But, suffice it to say, God was leading David and I on this adventure - to find common ground with people from all nations, various religions, seeking an answer for their vision, as well as His answers about how to use His wisdom to heal the sick. God broke down our fear of the enemy, and replaced it with love for people who hurt just like us. God took David on a journey of his own in regard to his healing. We learned so much more about RP: factors that affect its progression, and cause it to resist treatment. Those are things for which I pray, and for which he must wrestle for himself, until his healing is manifested. God has promised to heal him. For me, it culminated in a word from the Lord saying, "I will take the health practices of the world: inventions of My design, as I rain on the just and the unjust to preserve humanity, and I will place them into your hands and show My glory." I knew I was called to healthcare, but I had no idea it would look like this. Talk about an adventure!
"It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out." (Proverbs 25:2 ESV).
One of the 5 treatment points of Acudetox, is called Shen Men, or in Western Medicine, the Pineal gland. The Pineal gland affects the human spirit, among other things like sleep, hormones, mood, your heart function,and more. Another Western medical term for the Pineal gland is the "Epiphysis", which is where we derive our English word "Epiphany". Epiphany is defined as "An appearance or manifestation, especially of a divine being" (Miriam Webster's Dictionary), "A moment of sudden insight or understanding" (Collins English Dictionary), or "The manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi as in Matthew 2:1–12" (Oxford Dictionary).
In Genesis 32, we read about Jacob (Isaac's son, and Abraham's grandson), whose name means "deceiver." He hooked and crooked his way through life from the exit of his mother's womb until this time in his story. But now, God was speaking to him saying, "Return to the land of your father's and I will be with you" (Gen. 31:3). This meant Jacob had to face his estranged brother, the one he cheated out of his birthright years earlier. Jacob thought he was as good as dead. When he cheated his brother, Esau was so angry, Jacob had to flee for his life. How was he going to feel now? So, Jacob divided up his family and flocks and sent them ahead in two bands thinking if Esau attacked one, perhaps the other would escape. He also sent his servants ahead of everyone with a large gift of livestock, hoping to appease his brother's anger. He also cried out to God and said, "I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love, and all the faithfulness that you have shown to your servant." After sending his wives, children, servants, and livestock across the river ahead of him, Jacob was alone.
The Bible says, in verses 24-30, "a man" appeared and wrestled with Jacob. The conversation Jacob had with him, and ensued following this wrestling match, tells us Jacob recognized this "man" as a representation of Deity (vs. 26-29). As day was breaking, it is apparent in the story, the "man" disappeared. The Bible says in verse 30, "So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, (Hebrew: Pniel, Pnuel - meaning "Face of God") saying, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life has been delivered.”
It is interesting to note the similarity in the two words Peniel and Pineal. Peniel means "face of God", and Pineal - the gland, or Epiphysis - from epiphany means "manifestation of a divine being, or moment of sudden insight." There are many more connections I could go into, but this is meant to be "cutting to the chase" after all.
As a counselor and chaplain, I have met many people through the years, and in my practice, who experience feeling spiritually blocked. One of the many benefits of Acudetox is it can clear spiritual blockages. How does it do this: by clearing the energy channel in the body's Meridian system that affects the Pineal gland. How can that channel get blocked, you ask? We know from scientific studies today that fluoride, manufactured calcium, pesticides, Mercury, polluted water, artificial sugars, genetically modified foods, and certain harmful drugs to name a few can calcify your Pineal gland as you age. But wait! Isn't the Meridian system founded in Eastern religion? Is it even real? Can't people open doors to the devil by receiving acupuncture? Isn't energy work spiritually dangerous? This is what I was taught growing up in the church, and the very reason we were hesitant about going to Vancouver. However, provision falling into our lap within days was convincing, and God was there all along the way, helping us to trust Him, to learn, and to enjoy this path He called us to walk.
Your body is full of human cells: little powerhouses of energy made up of spinning atoms. Your atoms spin and energy travels around your body at a speed of about 269 mph at optimum health. As you spin down towards death, you're spinning down to about 20 mph. So, you want energy moving along the highways of your body at the highest speed possible for abundant health, which is part of an abundant life, right? One of the superhighways of your body is the nervous system. The Meridian system is another superhighway of energy flow located just under the surface of our skin that runs throughout the entire body.
"The first to speak in court sounds right— until the cross-examination begins." (Proverbs 18:17).
Archaeological research has shown that the Meridian system was observed and recorded by Asian cultures over five thousand years ago. But, it was also re-discovered in 1962, researched, and reported as being given a new name, based on tenants of Western Medicine calling it the "Primo Vascular System." Then, it was revisited and confirmed again, by another group of scientists in Seoul Korea in 2013. Then, this circulatory system made up of meridians was rediscovered again through cancer researchers at the Mount Sinai-Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City in 2015, and later confirmed at NYU's Langone School of Medicine in 2017,and proposed as the newest and possibly the body's 80th Organ called "the Interstitium". Contrary to popular belief, there has been much research going on in regard to the Meridian energy highway, but given most credibility in the recent research in New York. It is helping to explain how cancer may spread so quickly through the body, while at the same time, lending credibility to why people are responding so well to acupuncture, and other forms of energy and bodywork.
In regard to the church's concern that acupuncture opens doors to the demonic is, at least partially, based on fear due to ignorance. What many in the church have feared as "woo-woo", which included myself for years, is actually more dependent on the practitioner and what they believe and practice rather than the health modalities they practice, like acupuncture. Can you get pick up demonic energy through the modality of acupuncture itself? The answer is no. Can you, however, get a transference of negative energy (Thayer's Greek Lexicon/Strongs 1853: enérgeia - "working of Satan" as in 2 Thessalonians 2:9, or a "Strong delusion", or "deluding influence" as in 2 Thessalonians 2:11) through the beliefs, practices, and conduct of certain practitioners who administer anything from acupuncture to your latest colonoscopy? Sure. This is why our tag line at The WAYStation is "Healthy Hands Helping You Heal".
In conclusion, Acudetox addresses one among many reasons persons may experience a spiritual block. One of the reflex points, along one or more of the meridians that affect the three areas of the brain (Pineal gland, Medial Prefrontal Cortex, and the Orbitofrontal Cortex), God provided for our spirituality, may be blocked in this point's channel along the meridian system. Acudetox helps to remove these blockages. It may seem odd, at first, that the brain can hold a key to feeling spiritually blocked. We talk about our heart in regard to our spirituality, but that "heart" is actually in our brain, and not our cardiovascular organ. But, after all, our Creator equipped us with the exact parts we needed to experience and enjoy communication with Him. And, living in a fallen, broken world, that makes our bodies toxic over time, is a good explanation for experiencing such blockages in our energy systems causing us to, literally, spin down.
Acudetox can help you get an extremely restful, restorative nap. Or, some clients actually bring a journal or a notebook to their Acudetox sessions. They use the session as a time of listening prayer in regard to issues for which they need answers. As they relax, some hear God's voice very clearly (John 14:26, John 10:27, Jeremiah 33:3). Or, they may see a vision in regard to answers they are seeking (Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17, John 14:19). They simply write it down and, after their session, we spend time in prayer about what they learned. Try it! No woo-woo - just a little science behind God's creative genius.