In The Beginning
From the dawn of time it was in the Father's heart that His first children, Adam and Eve, would live in fellowship with Him. They would enjoy child-like innocence, living from the Tree of Life, and entrusting their Father with the knowledge of good and the corruption of evil. They were never meant to know darkness. Knowledge, for them, was intended to be acceptable, good, and pure. They were never meant to struggle with darkened emotions, doubt, and unbelief. Without those things, their countenance only expressed the inner fullness of joy in the Presence of an all-knowing, unconditionally loving Father.
They would be the father and mother of all mankind, passing on the divine blessings upon body, soul, and spirit. They would multiple and fill the earth so that mankind would have complete dominion over the land, fish and fowl, animals, and every creeping thing. God would provide for all of our needs. They would be dependent upon His loving direction. The earth would have continued to be a paradise from the beginning of man’s existence until now.
Genesis 1:27:31 says, “In the beginning, God made everything including the first man and woman, who He joined together as one flesh.” Looking over it all, God saw that it was “VERY GOOD” and after that, He rested.
This was God’s intention: life for all His children would remain “VERY GOOD” for all time.
But look around today…
Where is the child of God who is naked and unashamed to be with their Creator, as well as their spouse, and feel nothing but good?
Where is the man designed with a burning desire for a great adventure: to fight and win an epic battle, to passionately love and enjoy the love of a covenant partner, and to train up strong children to worship the Creator?
Where is the woman who was designed to accompany mankind on that adventure with all of her magnificent brain biology, intuitiveness, words of affirmation, nurture, tenderness, and quiet trust in her Creator, even when her man is learning through failure, or not obedient to the God's direction?
All of this, EVEN after years of religious activity, can seem like nothing more than a well-written script of a blockbuster movie. Why?
The enemy proposed a lie, and mankind bought it hook, line, and sinker! Satan enticed the first created children of God to question His heart. Through their mistrust and resulting independence, the enemy led them into sinful disobedience. As a result, he was successfully able to inject the root of sin into their perfectly innocent minds and hearts. He caused them to feel shame and negative emotions for the first time, and when they did, they ran from the only One who loved them perfectly. When Satan looked and saw all that he had done, he must have been very pleased. In my imagination, I can see a devious smile across his face.